Fishing Lough Corrib
Lough Corrib is 42,000 acres in size and stretches in length from within 4 miles of Galway City to within 2 miles of Maam Bridge, a distance of 33 miles. The Lough is renowned for its wild brown trout and salmon fishing. Brown trout fishing is usually good from the first day of the season. Trout can be caught on wet fly from opening day, Feb. 15th.

Each season, a number of specimen brown trout are caught on the Lough, and the record stood at around 21.5lb, caught in September 2002. However, on the 26th May 2012, a MONSTER brown trout, weighing nearly 24lbs (11kg), was hauled from the waters of Lough Corrib. The specimen fish, unofficially the second largest on record, was caught in deep water near the lake's biggest island, Inish Goill. If ratified by the Irish Specimen Fish Committee as authentic, the fish will go down as a record for Lough Corrib, and rank as the largest trout caught in Ireland in 118 years.

There are boats for hire at several locations around the Lough, and boatmen are also available at most boat stations. Please contact the Hotel directly for more details and we will help you to arrange your fishing holiday to Clonbur and Loughs Corrib and Mask:

Fairhill House Hotel
Co. Galway
F12 KF22
+353 (0)94 954 6176